10 Surprising cleaning facts can completely change the way you think about cleanliness. For instance, your smartphone, something you touch constantly throughout the day, carries significantly more bacteria than many other household items. In fact, studies have found that phones are 10 times dirtier than a toilet seat. Without regular cleaning, germs build up on the surface, transferring back to your hands and face. A quick wipe won’t cut it—using an alcohol-based disinfectant is the best way to keep your phone and yourself cleaner and healthier.

Here are the 10 Surprising Cleaning Facts:

1. Your Sponge is Dirtier Than Your Toilet

That’s right—the average kitchen sponge is 200,000 times dirtier than a toilet seat. Sponges harbor bacteria like E. coli and Salmonella, making them a hidden danger in your kitchen. Make sure to sanitize your sponge regularly by microwaving it for a minute or replacing it frequently.

2. Vacuuming Isn’t Enough for Carpet Health

While vacuuming is essential for keeping your carpets clean, it only removes surface-level dirt. Carpets trap dust, allergens, and bacteria deep in their fibers. Experts recommend professional carpet cleaning at least once a year to ensure deep cleanliness and extend the life of your carpet.

3. The Clean-Looking Air in Your Home Might Be Polluted

Indoor air can be up to five times more polluted than outdoor air due to dust, pet dander, and cleaning chemicals. Regular cleaning, especially dusting and vacuuming with a HEPA filter, can dramatically improve indoor air quality.

4. Lemons Are Natural Cleaners

Lemons aren’t just for lemonade—they’re also fantastic natural cleaners! Their acidity helps cut through grease, remove stains, and kill bacteria. Try using lemon juice to clean cutting boards, sinks, and even soap scum in your bathroom.

5. Most People Don’t Know How to Properly Disinfect

Spraying a disinfectant and wiping it off immediately? You might be doing it wrong. Most disinfectants need to sit on a surface for several minutes to kill germs effectively. Always check the label for proper usage instructions to ensure you’re getting the full benefit.

6. Dust Can Actually Be Harmful

Dust is more than just unsightly—it can be harmful, especially if you have allergies or asthma. Dust particles often contain allergens, skin cells, and even harmful chemicals. Regular dusting and air filtration can improve your health by reducing indoor allergens.

7. Your Bed Sheets Are Dirtier Than You Think

We shed skin cells, sweat, and even saliva while we sleep, creating a breeding ground for bacteria. Washing your sheets at least once a week in hot water is crucial to keeping your bed clean and hygienic.

8. Your Smartphone is One of the Dirtiest Items You Own

Did you know that your smartphone carries more germs than a public restroom? Studies have found that the average phone is covered in around 25,000 bacteria per square inch, making it dirtier than a kitchen counter or even the sole of your shoe! We touch our phones constantly throughout the day, transferring bacteria from our hands, pockets, and bags. Yet, phone cleaning is something most people overlook. A simple solution is to regularly wipe your phone down with a microfiber cloth and an alcohol-based disinfectant, ensuring you’re not transferring harmful bacteria back to your face or food.

9. Most Household Dust Comes From Outside

Many people think dust is mostly composed of skin cells and indoor particles, but a large portion actually comes from the outdoors. Around 60% of household dust enters through open windows, doors, and on the soles of shoes. It carries pollutants, pollen, and dirt that settle on surfaces throughout your home. To reduce the amount of dust inside, try implementing a no-shoes policy in your home, frequently change your air filters, and consider using an air purifier. Regular dusting and vacuuming (with a vacuum that has a HEPA filter) can also help keep outdoor dust at bay.

10. Your Dishwasher Needs Cleaning, Too

Ironically, one of the most neglected cleaning tasks is cleaning the very appliance that cleans your dishes. Dishwashers can accumulate food particles, soap scum, and hard water deposits over time, leading to unpleasant odors and less effective cleaning. Running an empty cycle with vinegar or a dishwasher cleaner can help break down these residues. Additionally, wiping down the door seals and cleaning the filter regularly can keep your dishwasher in peak condition. A clean dishwasher ensures that your dishes come out sparkling and bacteria-free, so don’t skip this often-overlooked task!


Looking for reliable and professional cleaning services Ottawa? At Good Cleaner Co., we offer top-notch cleaning solutions for both homes cleaning and office cleaning service, ensuring every space is spotless and inviting. Our team of experienced cleaners delivers high-quality service, using eco-friendly products and meticulous attention to detail to give you a clean, fresh environment. Whether you need regular cleaning, deep cleaning, or specialized cleaning services, we’ve got you covered. With affordable pricing and flexible scheduling, we make it easy to maintain a clean and healthy space in Ottawa. Trust Good Cleaner Co. for a sparkling clean every time!