At Good Cleaner Co., we believe in the power of community and the importance of giving back to those who need it most. With our “Community Giveback Cleaning Program”, we’re proud to offer one FREE clean per month to a deserving low-income family or a senior in Ottawa. Additionally, for those who qualify but don’t receive the free clean, we offer 25% OFF cleaning services for the rest of the month. This initiative reflects our deep commitment to the Ottawa community, helping to create cleaner, healthier living environments for those who need it most. We believe that everyone—regardless of their financial situation—deserves the comfort and health benefits of a clean home.

What is the Community Giveback Cleaning Program?

The Good Cleaner Co. Community Giveback Cleaning Program is designed specifically for Ottawa’s most vulnerable residents, offering affordable cleaning services to qualifying low-income families and seniors. Our goal is to provide a helping hand to those who may struggle to maintain their homes due to financial or physical limitations, allowing them to enjoy the comfort and health benefits of a clean living space.

We understand the challenges that many in our community face, and we’re here to make sure that a clean home is within reach for everyone. A clean, organized home can foster positivity and well-being within each family and help turn things in a better direction. By providing cleaner environments, we hope to uplift spirits, reduce stress, and promote healthier lifestyles. Through this program, we’re giving back to the Ottawa community that has supported us by making our high-quality cleaning services accessible to those who need it most.

How It Works

Eligible Ottawa residents can apply for the Community Giveback Cleaning Program, where our team will provide one free cleaning service per month to a selected household. In addition to this, qualifying applicants can receive discounted cleaning services at 25% off for the remainder of the month. Whether it’s regular upkeep, help with seasonal deep cleaning, or preparation for a special occasion, we’re here to ensure that every household has access to professional cleaning that suits their needs.

Who Can Apply?

To ensure the program benefits those who truly need it, we’ve established clear eligibility criteria. The Community Giveback Cleaning Program is available to:

  • Low-Income Families: Households with an income below a certain threshold, based on Ottawa’s current low-income cut-off.
  • Seniors: Individuals aged 65 or older who may be facing physical or financial difficulties maintaining their home.

Applicants will need to provide basic documentation to verify their eligibility, such as proof of income or age, to prevent misuse and ensure that the program serves its intended purpose. This helps us ensure that the Community Giveback Cleaning Program supports those who truly need it, while keeping the process straightforward and respectful of privacy.

How to Apply

At Good Cleaner Co., we do not judge anyone based on their background or circumstances. We understand that everyone faces challenges, and we’re here to help in any way we can. However, as a small business with limited resources, we can only offer one free clean per month under the Community Giveback Cleaning Program.

To apply, simply send us a message sharing your story, along with the following details:

  • Your income range
  • Your home address
  • The age of the person needing the service

We will review all applications with care and respect. Each month, one household will be selected to receive a free, full cleaning service as part of our program.

For those who do not receive the free cleaning, but still qualify based on income or age, we offer a 25% discount on cleaning services for the rest of the month. This ensures that more people can still benefit from our services at an affordable rate.

We wish we could help everyone, and while our resources may be limited, we’re committed to making a difference, one clean at a time.

Why We Do This

At Good Cleaner Co., we’ve always believed that a clean home can transform lives. For low-income families and seniors, maintaining a clean home isn’t always easy, but it’s essential for their health and well-being. Through the Community Giveback Cleaning Program, we’re able to contribute to the community that has supported our business from the start.

Whether it’s making life easier for a senior citizen who can no longer clean their home or helping a family focus on what truly matters, we’re dedicated to making a meaningful difference—one clean at a time.

Bringing Cleanliness Within Reach

Our vision is simple: a cleaner home for every Ottawa household. We are proud to serve our community by providing affordable, professional cleaning services to those who need it most. With our “Community Giveback Cleaning Program”, we’re not just cleaning homes—we’re making a difference.

At Good Cleaner Co., we don’t just see ourselves as a cleaning company—we’re part of the community, and we’re committed to improving the lives of Ottawa residents, one clean at a time. Because everyone deserves to live in a clean, healthy home, and with Good Cleaner Co., that’s possible.

Why We Founded Good Cleaner Co.

At Good Cleaner Co., our journey began with a simple observation: while many people desire a clean, organized home, not everyone has the means to achieve it. We saw the growing need for professional cleaning services in Ottawa, but we also recognized that many low-income families and seniors couldn’t afford these services, even though they needed them most.

We founded Good Cleaner Co. with the belief that everyone deserves a clean, healthy home. From day one, our mission has been to provide top-tier cleaning services that are both accessible and affordable to all Ottawa residents, especially those who face financial or physical barriers. The Community Giveback Cleaning Program emerged as a natural extension of that mission—an opportunity to give back to our community by ensuring that cleanliness isn’t a luxury, but a right everyone can enjoy.

Read more about our giveback cleaning program featured in The Globe and Mail.